Below you will find helpful calculating tools for analysing various costings and obligations
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Statutory Maternity Pay
This calculator will tell you if your employee is entitled to be paid Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and it works out how much SMP is actually due. It will also work out how much SMP you can recover, including compensation, where applicable.
Statutory Maternity Pay
This calculator will tell you if your employee is entitled to be paid Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and it works out how much SMP is actually due. It will also work out how much SMP you can recover, including compensation, where applicable.
National Insurance Contributions
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National Insurance Contributions
This calculator works out NICs for both not contracted-out and contracted-out employees, using the exact percentage method. The manual NI tables are calculated on earnings bands, rather than on the exact earnings figure, so results achieved may differ very slightly.
National Insurance Contributions
This calculator works out NICs for both not contracted-out and contracted-out employees, using the exact percentage method. The manual NI tables are calculated on earnings bands, rather than on the exact earnings figure, so results achieved may differ very slightly.
Tax Credits Eligibilty
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Tax Credits Eligibility
To find out if your household is eligible and the amount you may be able to receive, use this calculator.
Tax Credits Eligibility
To find out if your household is eligible and the amount you may be able to receive, use this calculator.
Statutory Sick Pay
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Statutory Sick Pay
This calculator will work out how much SSP is due for an employee who meets the qualifying conditions.
Statutory Sick Pay
This calculator will work out how much SSP is due for an employee who meets the qualifying conditions.
Statutory Maternity Pay
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Statutory Maternity Pay
This calculator will tell you if your employee is entitled to be paid Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and it works out how much SMP is actually due. It will also work out how much SMP you can recover, including compensation, where applicable.
Statutory Maternity Pay
This calculator will tell you if your employee is entitled to be paid Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and it works out how much SMP is actually due. It will also work out how much SMP you can recover, including compensation, where applicable.
Statutory Paternity Pay
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Statutory Paternity Pay
This calculator will work out the Statutory Paternity Pay due for a child that is going to be born to a partner or for a child that is going to be adopted.
Statutory Paternity Pay
This calculator will work out the Statutory Paternity Pay due for a child that is going to be born to a partner or for a child that is going to be adopted.
Student Tax
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Student Tax
Think you've overpaid tax and are due a refund? You can use this checker to find out.
Student Tax
Think you've overpaid tax and are due a refund? You can use this checker to find out.
Company Car & Car Fuel Benefit
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Company Car and Car Fuel Benefit
This calculator allows you to calculate the 'benefit in kind' value of a company car and, if appropriate the car fuel benefit and provides an indication of the Income Tax you would be liable to pay for the provision of company car and car fuel benefit.
Company Car and Car Fuel Benefit
This calculator allows you to calculate the 'benefit in kind' value of a company car and, if appropriate the car fuel benefit and provides an indication of the Income Tax you would be liable to pay for the provision of company car and car fuel benefit.
Marginal Rate Relief
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Marginal Rate Relief
If your company or organisation's profits are above the threshold for paying Corporation Tax at the lower rate (the ‘small companies' rate), but less than the threshold for paying Corporation Tax at the main rate, you may be able to claim Marginal Rate Relief.
Marginal Rate Relief
If your company or organisation's profits are above the threshold for paying Corporation Tax at the lower rate (the ‘small companies' rate), but less than the threshold for paying Corporation Tax at the main rate, you may be able to claim Marginal Rate Relief.
Stamp Taxes
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Stamp Taxes
For most transactions involving the sale or transfer of land or property you can use this calculator to help you to work out how much to pay.
Stamp Taxes
For most transactions involving the sale or transfer of land or property you can use this calculator to help you to work out how much to pay.

Below you are conveniently provided with useful checklists to help analyse your business.
Please note- you must have a word processing software package installed on your computer to view downloaded documents.
Please note- you must have a word processing software package installed on your computer to view downloaded documents.
Business Employment Tax

Capital Gains Tax

Business VAT

Life Cover

Inheritance Tax Planning

Business Tax Planning

Directors Responsibilities


Personal Tax Planning


Tough Times

New Business Entities


PO Box 167, Unit 1B Ground Floor, The Glassworks, Skeoge Industrial Park,
11 Beraghmore Road, Derry, BT48 8SE
Telephone 028 7126 4974
Email pgreen.aca@btconnect.com
Web www.paulgreenaccountants.com